A loud voice shouts Help this laptop is reported lost or stolen

Front Door Software Corp has launched a Retriever program that combats laptop theft. If a thief fails to enter the correct password, a loud voice shouts, “Help, this laptop is reported lost or stolen,” from the speaker. A message saying “Stolen laptop” and contact information of the owner appears onscreen every 30 seconds. Retriever also begins tracking down the location of the laptop while sending out the warning message. As soon as the laptop is turned on, it will automatically connect to the internet by searching for a Wi-Fi network then send its location information to the Front Door Software website. The owner of the stolen laptop can check its location online and report it to the police. The owner can set a password on the website to hide important information stored in the laptop.

Statistics suggest that 1 out of 10 laptops are lost or stolen, 57% of all corporate crimes are linked to stolen laptops. And, once a laptop is gone, FBI statistics state there is only a 3% chance of recovery. By installing Retriever, you can immediately increase your chances of recovery from 3% to over 97% in about 5 minutes or less.