Asus new motherboard series transfers a 25GB HD movie file in 70 seconds or save a 4MB song in less than 0.01 seconds

Asus today announced the launch of a new motherboard series based on the Intel H57 and H55 chipsets. The Asus P7H57D/P7H55 Series supports the new Intel Core i7, Core i5, Core i3, and Pentium processors with three ATX and four mATX models to provide the best value for the new LGA1156 platform. Featuring exclusive GPU Boost technology, the series delivers a rich visual experience for enhanced HD gaming. The Asus P7H57D/P7H55 Series features GPU Boost technology designed to kick visual performance into overdrive. This graphics acceleration feature delivers an instant 50% performance boost to the onboard Intel HD Graphics processor to support high-definition frame rates that add realism to a user’s gaming experience.

A Unique PCIe X4 Bridge Chip delivers true SATA 6G and USB 3.0 performance that maximizes the transfer rates of SATA 6Gb/s hard drives and delivers data transfer speeds ten times that of current USB 2.0 standards. Such significant improvements enable users to transfer a 25GB HD movie file in 70 seconds or save a 4MB song in less than 0.01 seconds.