Elecom USB biometric readers

Elecom Corporation Japan has launched 2 new USB biometric readers. Model CR-FP2 is a USB Reader while model CR-FP3M512 is a 512MB USB flash drive. Both models require a fingerprint swipe to access data etc. The Elecom Biometric USB Reader CR-FP2 offers the latest in high-secure biometric authentication for networks, workstations, applications, data access control and personal computer access.The Elecom CR-FP3M512 is Biometric Access Controlled USB2.0 Flash Drive which gives fingerprint access control to the content of the USB key for secure storage of your data and applications. Lightweight and compact, the CR-FP3M512 is incredibly small and can fit right into your pocket.

The fingerprint sensor is on top and doesn’t require any cable, power supply, or battery. The Elecom flash drive acts as a removable hard drive when plugged into a USB port. It is truly plug-and-play on Operating Systems that support USB 1.1 or USB 2.0, like Windows ME, 2000, and XP. Elecom CR-FP2 is available for approximately 8,400 Yen ($73), while CR-FP3M512 for 12,285 Yen ($107).
Via – Elecom (Japanese)