The new Fujitsu LifeBook E8410 replaces the E8210, and is Fujitsu PC’s flagship business model, offering the top of the line features with top in performance. Features include the next generation Intel Centrino Pro processor technology featuring the 64-bit Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, NVIDIA external graphics, a 15.4-inch Superfine Wide XGA TFT screen, a maximum of 4GB memory and a 120GB hard drive, 1.3 megapixel built-in camera and dual built-in stereo microphones. Security features are at its usual best with the biometric fingerprint sensor, a 2-password hard disk lock, a 3D shock sensor for enhanced hard disk protection, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) support, a BIOS password and a Life Book Lock amongst other features including full RoHS compliance and naturally, complete Windows Vista support. The three built-in wireless antennas with 802.11n support also assure a most seamless virtual meeting and conversation.
Additional expansion and connectivity are provided through the built-in PC Card and Express Card slots, 1000/100/10Mbps (Gigabit) LAN, 4x USB 2.0 ports, 56kbps modem, IEEE-1394, S-video, an SD/MS/MS PRO memory card slot and even serial and parallel ports for legacy peripheral support, making the Fujitsu LifeBook E8410 a top of the line, performance powerhouse. For the discerning business user or consumer demanding the best-in-class performance, the Fujitsu E8410 is a superb desktop alternative offering supreme performance, superior security and truly comprehensive communications capabilities.