MSI launches the fanless mini-ITX motherboard, IM-PV-C, based on the Intel Atom D525 dual-core processor and the Intel ICH8M chipset which are ideal for embedded applications that required a balance of high performance and lower power. The Intel Atom dual core D525 processor has an integrated graphic and memory controller on the same chip which enables higher performance and more power savings. The Compact size, low power consumption, dual core parallel computing power and a maximum of 4 GB of DDR3 800 MHz memory make IM-PV-C a powerful small form-factor embedded platform for industrial applications, such as digital signage, kiosk, gaming, industrial control automation and POS.
The fanless design makes IM-PV-C ultra-reliable in all kinds of high-temperature and dusty environments. MSI debuts IM-PV-C with great 3D graphics performance for a high definition up to 1080P videos and multiple video output (DVI, VGA and LVDS) for dual independent display.
MSI IM-PV-C has powerful storage interfaces, including three SATAII ports, a Compact Flash card slot. Moreover, it features one PCI and one mini-PCIe slot for easy expansion. Onboard I/O advantages include 5 COM ports, 7 USB 2.0 ports, PS/2 keyboard/mouse port and one GPIO. Furthermore, IM-PV-C comes with 12V power USB port function to support POS peripherals, such as vacuum fluorescent display (VFD). IM-PV-C is equipped with two Gigabit Ethernet LAN for high networking capability,