MSI will present a live demo of World’s First Powerless Air Cooler on a Main board on the MSI booth in CeBIT Hall 21 B34.Here visitors will be able to see the electricity-less fan which is powered only by the movement of heat and air, the fan speed will change relative to the chipset temperature. The prototype “Air Power Cooler” is MSI’s first attempt to investigate how the Eco concept can work in tandem with the evolution of the main board “ECOlution”.
The “Air Power Cooler” transfers the chipset heat into air momentum, when the air becomes hot, the air will expand then push the fan to rotate and In doing so cooling the heatsink immediately. After the air moves from the bottom to top of the piston, the air will become heavy to push the up piston down. The better air piston design can transfer over 70% heat power and transfer to air power, that’s great efficiency transfer from Stirling engine theory.
MSI Air Power Cooler is based on Stirling Engine theory and is developed with great support from Polo-Tech Taiwan, the exclusive heat transfer technical design company with their own patent rights. The Stirling engine theory and prototype was invented during1600’s. The Stirling engine, cycles through four main processes: cooling, compression, heating and expansion.
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