MSI R5870 Lightning Graphics Card with Worlds first 15-phase Power Design for the extreme gamers

MSI has officially launched a new generation of the Lightning series graphic card, the R5870 Lightning. The new MSI R5870 Lightning features the industry’s first 15-phase (13+2) power supply design; comparing to the reference-design 7 (5+2)-phase power supply module, it provides more than twice the power required by the GPU; It also features two 8-pin external power connectors, allowing more ample power supply for the R5870 Lightning; The design of the new MSI R5870 Lightning has also incorporated a dedicated LPL (Lightning Power Layer) design, which is designed for GPU and memory power. This helps to increase the stability of power supply and also reduce noise.

These outstanding features boost overall performance and reliability to a whole new level. This can be described as a top-performing product specifically designed for the extreme gamers and built to be perfect