Pixazza, Inc. today unveiled a new internet service which turns static images into engaging content, while generating incremental income for web publishers. Pixazza enables consumers to simply mouse over images on their favorite web sites to learn more and see related products. Pixazza is not a shopping destination, but rather a service that web publishers employ to allow their visitors to gather insight on products that might interest them. To use it, consumers simply move their mouse over any image posted to participating sites. The motion instantly reveals information and pricing about a selection of products similar in look and style to the one that caught their eye. One click on any item brings them directly to the product page of an associated merchant to learn more and make a purchase.
Pixazza’s service has undergone testing since November 2008, is already live on multiple web sites, and is being made available to additional publishers at this time. Pixazza is initially seeking fashion-related publishers and apparel merchants, but plans to expand into other categories including home design/home furnishings, travel, electronics, and sports. Pixazza hopes to do for images what Google’s AdSense did for web pages, said Bob Lisbonne, CEO of Pixazza. Pixazza is a private company funded by August Capital, CMEA Ventures, and Google, with offices in Mountain View, CA. For more information, visit