OKI develops low power consumption gigabit high-speed network processor

Oki has developed a low power consumption gigabit high-speed network processor, the “ML7240,” for the network equipment (i.e. Home/SOHO routers) market. Oki ML7240 includes a RISC-type CPU, IP protocol engine, QoS (Quality of Service) accelerator, IPsec (IP security protocol) accelerator, voice engine, Gigabit Ether MAC (2ch), and other peripherals, making it an LSI ideal for high-speed, home/SOHO routers and VoIP gateway equipment. In addition to the LSI, OKI plans to offer the drivers necessary to configure network equipment, and other software such as middleware, which will help users shorten the development time for products using ML7240.

Oki ML7240 is the best suitable device for the leading solution provider users, offering heatsink-less high-throughput IP network devices. Initial volume shipment is scheduled to start in March 2009.