OKI ML67Q5250 Single-Chip LSI with a fingerprint authentication accelerator

Oki will ship samples of “ML67Q5250,” an application specific standard LSI with a fingerprint authentication accelerator. By using this LSI, customers can easily create a cost effective high-speed, high-accuracy, low power consumption fingerprint authentication system. The LSI includes a function to protect the fingerprint data from unauthorized access, enabling high-level security systems. The LSI is equipped with a fingerprint authentication accelerator based on technologies from Precise Biometrics AB, a top vendor of fingerprint authentication algorithm known for their strong track record in National ID cards, and from AuthenTec, Inc. the top vendor of slide fingerprint sensors for PCs and cell phones.

This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithmlicensed from Precise Biometrics, and optimized for AuthenTec’s slide fingerprint sensors.