PQI and TDK form Joint Venture Business to Develop Solid State Disk

Power Quotient International Co., Ltd (PQI) has announced to form a joint venture in Taiwan with TDK, Japan to research, develop and market Disk on Module (DOM) and Solid State Disk (SSD). The new company will focus on storage solutions for industrial and commercial use PCs/Systems. Its initial capital is for PQI 40% and TDK 60%. The specific terms of the agreement are confidential. As long-term partners, TDK and PQI have always provided excellent and quality industrial solutions to customers around the globe.

To further strengthen this relationship, TDK seeks to comprehend their patented technologies as their competitive advantages. PQI, on the other hand, will utilize their industrial storage research & development with their channel and sales capabilities to expand SSD from industrial to commercial use.