SanDisk Launches 32 GB Solid State Drive

press.jpgSanDisk Corporation today introduced a 32-gigabyte, 1.8-inch solid state drive (SSD) as a drop-in replacement for the standard mechanical hard disk drive. SanDisk SSD offers field-proven durability to keep mobile PCs working in the toughest of conditions and improves the overall user experience. Using NAND flash enhanced by SanDisk’s patented TrueFFS flash management technology, SanDisk SSD delivers two million hours mean time between failures.With no moving parts, it does not need to spin into action or seek files in the way that conventional hard disk drives do. These characteristics, combined with SanDisk’s advanced flash management technology, make it possible for SanDisk SSD to deliver excellent performance compared with hard disk drives and competing solid state drives.

The 32-gigabyte SanDisk SSD represents the fifth generation of flash-based solid state drives developed by msystems, acquired recently by SanDisk. The SanDisk SSD can achieve an average file access rate of 0.12 milliseconds, compared with 55 seconds and 19 milliseconds, respectively, for a laptop PC with a hard disk drive.