Western Digital Corp. announced that all models of its My Book dual-drive storage appliances are now available in capacities up to 2 TB (terabyte). From remote access and sharing anywhere in the world to simple add-on storage, backup and mirroring, the My Book dual-drive storage systems meet a variety of needs generated by today’s increasing volume of digital content. The new 2 TB capacity is now available on WD’s My Book World Edition II, My Book Pro Edition II, My Book Premium Edition II models. My Book is designed to provide the maximum shock protection for the valuable data you’re storing. In addition, the heat-dissipating enclosure keeps the drives cool
My Book dual-drive storage appliances comes installed with Google software on the drive to make it easy to locate files with Google Desktop, manage photos with Picasa and simplify web searching with the Google Toolbar. Estimated pricing for the My Book Dual-drive storage appliances with 2 TB capacity ranges from $749 USD to $799 USD depending upon model.