Keychain size digital camera shoots movie and square photos

exemode from Japan announced the launch of digital camera- SQ30m Garden. The 1.92 million effective pixel CMOS sensor camera has a F3.1 fixed focus lens with 35mm focal length equivalent size 39.5mm. Pictures with 1,280 × 1,200 pixels are taken almost in square format. This tiny camera can record 320 × 240 pixel, 8fps video also. With four vivid color modes, the camera is powered by built-in lithium ion battery.

The battery is charged via USB. With built in 64MB memory approximately 250 pictures can be taken.It is compatible with up-to 2GB microSD card also. The exemode SQ30m Garden keychain size digital camera measures 53 × 23 × 19mm and weighs about 21g. It is available in three colors – gray, green and yellow, for approximately 5,985 yen ($70) in Japan.