Sony postpones launch of latest digital single-lens reflex cameras and headphones due to Thai flooding

Sony would postpone the launch of its latest digital single-lens reflex cameras and headphones as a result of massive flooding in Thailand. The flooding has halted production at Sony’s manufacturing base in Ayutthaya and its contracted plants and parts suppliers in Thailand. Sony planned to launch two types of digital single-lens reflex cameras on November 11 but the new launch date has yet to be decided. Sony has three manufacturing plants in Thailand and operations at the Ayutthaya plant, which produces digital cameras, has been halted since Oct 11 as flooding disrupted the supply of parts and prevented workers from coming to work.

Sony had also planned to launch different types of headphones on Nov 10, 11 and 21. Some of the models will be marketed instead on Dec 10 but the new launch date for the others will be decided later.