The total production of Nikkor lenses for Nikon interchangeable lens cameras reached 70 million at the end of May 2012. Moreover, total production of AF-S lenses equipped with the Silent Wave Motor (SWM), the autofocus motor developed by Nikon, has reached 30 million. Total production of Nikkor lenses reached 65 million in October of 2011.
Since then, Nikon has continued to actively develop new products under the Nikkor brand and has released four 1 Nikkor lenses with a simple design and available in various colors perfectly suited to the excellent portability of the compact and lightweight Nikon 1 J1 and Nikon 1 V1, the first two cameras in the new Nikon 1 series.
In addition, new FX-format compatible Nikkor lenses that maximize the potential of high-performance cameras such as Nikon’s new D4 flagship digital-SLR camera, and D800 and D800E digital-SLR cameras equipped with image sensors with an effective pixel count of 36.3-million pixels for incredible definition and image quality.Nikkor is Nikon’s brand of photographic lenses. In 1933, the large-format lens for aerial photography was released as the first NIKKOR lens. The Nikkor name comes from adding “R”–a common practice in the naming of photographic lenses at the time the name was established–to “Nikko”, the Romanized abbreviation for Nippon Kogaku K.K. In 1933, the large-format lens for aerial photography was released with the name Aero-Nikkor.
The Silent Wave Motor, or SWM, is an ultrasonic autofocus motor developed by Nikon. Nikon’s SWM converts traveling waves into rotational energy to focus the optics. This enables extremely smooth, quiet and comfortable autofocusing. Among the first lenses for which Nikon adopted the SWM was the Ai AF-S Nikkor 300mm f/2.8D IF-ED, released in 1996. Since then, the SWM has been built into a total of 60 different lenses of all types, from ultra wide-angle to super telephoto DX- and FX-format lenses, zoom lenses, and even Micro lenses. It has been adopted for more than 90% of Nikkor lenses for Nikon DSLR cameras currently manufactured. The current NIKKOR brand offers a rich lineup of more than 70 lenses, including fisheye lenses, super wide-angle to super telephoto lenses, zoom lenses, Micro lenses, and PC-E lenses.