The Presage collection from Seiko has been renowned for its unique balance of beauty and technology, combining its fine watchmaking technology with Japanese craftsmanship and art forms. Today, Seiko introduces into the Presage collection a creation inspired by the now-classic fantasy-adventure Japanese animation film Castle In The Sky. This is the first animation feature from the world-renowned Japanese animation studio, Studio Ghibli.
The limited-edition watch captures many of the key elements of the animation in every corner of its design. The crest on the mystical levitation crystal of the heroine’s pendant is reproduced on the enamel dial, made by master craftsman Mitsuru Yokosawa and his colleagues, while the castle in the sky is illustrated on the caseback just the way it was in the picture taken by the protagonist’s father when he caught sight of the city. Around the castle are engraved the words of the chant that is central to the story.
The roman numerals, inner ring, retro hands and stitched leather strap complete the nostalgic atmosphere of this magical and evocative limited edition. Every corner of the watch hints at key aspects of the film. The watch strap’s back bears the inscription on the keystone found in the floating castle.
The Seiko Presage watch is powered by a new version of Seiko’s high-performance 6R35 movement, Caliber 6R31. Like Caliber 6R35, the movement delivers a power reserve of 70 hours and shares the same performance attributes, but without a date window. Every aspect of the watch reflects the care and craftsmanship for which Presage is renowned. The crystal glass is a dual-curved sapphire and is treated with anti-reflective coating on the inner surface that delivers high legibility from any angle.
The exhibition case back reveals the fine finishing of the movement, and the watch is 10 bar water resistant. The Seiko Presage Studio Ghibli Castle In The Sky Collaboration Limited Edition watch watch will be available as a limited edition of 1,200 at the Seiko Boutiques and selected retailers worldwide in July. Approximate recommended retail price in Europe: €1,500.