Pure Digital’s video camcorder with one-click uploads to Google Video and Sony’s Grouper video-sharing service

Pure Digital today announced an update to the popular Pure Digital’s point & shoot video camcorder. The new camcorder is aimed at the online video-sharing craze. The new camcorder from Pure Digital connects directly to a PC and features one-click uploads to Google Video and Sony’s Grouper video-sharing service. Two versions of the camcorder- one that holds 30 minutes of video clips and one a 60-minute version – are now being shipped to stores. Millions of people, who look at a site like YouTube also, want to put their videos up, but have no idea how to do it. Instead of tangling with video-transfer cables and editing software, the new Pure Digital’s camcorder’s built in software allows transfer and process the video with one click.

Now, it’s mostly geeks and tech-savvy youngsters who know how to get homemade videos onto YouTube and other popular video sites with new Pure Digital’s camcorders. The 30 minutes of video clips version is available for $129 and the 60-minute version for $169.
Via USA Today