Asahi Glass products adopted for the Net-Zero Energy House model houses at Enemane House 2014

Enemane House 2014Asahi Glass announced today that its energy-saving glass products have been adopted for the Net-Zero Energy House (ZEH) model houses at a housing event, Enemane House 2014. This ZEH event is a part of a project led by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. A ZEH exemplifies a next-generation lifestyle in which the energy generated by a building compensates for the energy consumed by the building, resulting in annual primary energy consumption of or close to zero through the introduction of construction methods and housing equipment featuring high energy-saving performance and the use of renewable energy.

Under the theme Houses of 2030, five model houses that propose advanced technologies and new ways of living based on the three concepts of “energy,” “life” and “Asia” will be constructed and exhibited through cooperation between universities and corporations. The ZEH model houses showcased at the event will be open to the public from Wednesday, January 29 to Friday, January 31 for visitors to experience the state-of-the-art energy-saving technologies and future housing spaces.

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