AUO announces Frisbee-shaped solar roof playground for children with an estimated reduction of 3.95 tons of carbon emissions

The first AUO Solar Frisbee Roof project at the Taipei European School is ready to be launched. The Frisbee-shaped solar roof provides a playground for children, while also sheltering them from sunshine and rain. The roof was constructed from thirty-two 210 W photovoltaic (PV) modules, with an output of 6.8 kWp (kilo Watt peak). It can generate 6,205 kWh (kilowatt-hours) annually, resulting in an estimated reduction of 3.95 tons of carbon emissions. From solar module manufacturing to system design, Solar Frisbee Roof at Taipei European School project was co-worked by AU Optronics and other partners.

Co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, the TES solar project is a German Energy Agency (dena) Solar Roof Program. Abakus Solar AG, a2peak power, and AU Optronics cooperated on this project, working together on everything from system design to solar module manufacturing. The project will also provide a model for the best practices of a BIPV project in Taiwan.