Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will supply an electric bus to the city of Satsumasendai in Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu. The bus is a full-size, low-floor model that operates on MHI’s high-performance MLiX lithium-ion rechargeable battery enabling a dramatic increase in continuous travel distance. Satsumasendai is introducing the electric bus as part of the city’s initiative to make use of next-generation energy resources based on the comprehensive municipal vision and action plan. The bus exterior and part of interior were designed by a famous industrial design company, Don Design Associates.
The blue and white exterior color concept reminds the beautiful sea surrounding Koshiki Island, where the high-speed ferry will play. The exterior design will also include a Chinese character of Koshiki. The electric bus will operate as a shuttle bus between Sendai Station and a high-speed ferry terminal, Sendai Port, and will play a significant role in enhancing the environmental compatibility of the local transportation network and tourist infrastructure. The city also considers using the electric bus as a power supply source in an emergency. The new bus will go into service in the city’s regular route network starting in April.