Sanyo will install megawatt-level HIT photovoltaic modules at the city hall, community center and other sites in Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan. Working together, the City of Awaji and Hyogo Prefecture expect that the new solar power facilities will help attract environmentally conscious companies to the area, while promoting green energy and serving as a symbol of Awaji as an environmental island. The facilities will also be utilized to promote environmental learning and the entire project is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2010. The scale of new solar power facilities will be 1 megawatt, one of the largest of its kind for a public system in Japan, and is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 330 tons per year. Awaji Island is blessed with tranquil seas, beautiful countryside, and a lot of sunshine, with the highest annual sunshine hours in the Kinki region.
Sanyo’s HIT photovoltaic modules, developed using Sanyo’s own technology and expertise, provide a high energy conversion ratio and superior temperature characteristics, thereby offering the world’s highest-class electrical output. By utilizing the high performance and efficiency of HIT photovoltaic modules, Sanyo is developing a wide range of solar power solutions, not just for public and industrial applications, but for homes as well.