Available until now with a halogen lamp, Osram has now equipped the reading light for vehicle interiors with LEDs. The new Onyx Copilot reading light with long-lasting light emitting diode technology has a service life of 5,000 hours, and it is not necessary to replace the LED during this time. For comparison, the halogen lamp had to be replaced after about 1,000 hours. The neck of the light is manufactured with black silicone rubber and can be individually aligned according to needs. The light fixture can be simply attached to the cigarette lighter. A button for switching on and off is located on the light head. The light is suitable both for cars (12 V) and trucks and buses (24 V).
For its high-quality and subtle design the Onyx Copilot received the red dot award: product design, the coveted quality mark for aesthetic forms. The Onyx Copilot is also the prelude to further LED upgrading products from Osram for automotive lighting applications, to be launched in 2013.