Enjoying favorite videos on your HDTV without any wire is no longer a dream. GIGABYTE does even more than you thought! GIGABYTE announces a whole new product line this year, which can make your daily life more convenient and provide you an amazing visual extension. GIGAYTE SkyVision WS100 with WHDI 1.0 (Wireless Home Digital Interface) technology can seamlessly transmit your 1080p high-definition videos or Blu-ray movies from any HDMI-ready device to HDTV. Just by plug and play, the compact and streamline designed SkyVision WS100 can help you creating the best wireless video experience ever! Digital contents can be simultaneously transmitted (latency less than 1ms) to your display and the transmission range is up to 10 meters!
Everything is all set once you plug GIGABYTE SkyVision WS100 transmitter to your HDMI-ready device and receiver to HDTV. No software installation required. SkyVision transmitter and receiver will detect and connect with each other automatically with operating frequency between 5.1GHz to 5.8GHz. HD video/audio and PC gaming battles can be simultaneously transmitted (latency < 1ms) to your HDTV. SkyVision WS100 is definitely the best video entertainment and wireless gaming companion!