Mitsubishi Electric will install three Diamond Vision screens, one large unit each above the right- and left-field stands and one infield scoreboard, at the Sapporo Dome baseball/soccer stadium in Sapporo, Japan. The screens will be 2.9 times larger, boast five times the resolution and offer 1.5 times contrast of the replaced screens. The screens will be fully operative for the baseball season starting in March 2015.
The two large screens each will measure 8.64 m by 32.0 m, about 1.6 times larger than the current screen in right field. The infield scoreboard will be 3.84 m by 13.12 m, or about 1.5 times larger than the current model. Use of LEDs with an 8 mm pixel pitch ensures excellent visibility. Mitsubishi Electric’s own black-packaged LEDs will be used for the first time in a baseball or soccer stadium in Japan.