NTT and Panasonic have agreed to enter into a business alliance with the aim of achieving “visual service innovations” and “evolution of user experience” toward 2020 and beyond. A wide variety of initiatives are currently being promoted both by the public and private sectors in Japan with a view to developing and improving various services toward 2020. The most urgent among them include providing quality services and hospitality, called “omotenashi” in Japanese, to visitors from around the world as the number of foreign tourists is expected to continue to rise.
There is also a pressing need to develop services that support a society where the physically challenged and elderly feel safe and secure. Against this backdrop, the collaboration between NTT and Panasonic aims to share their technologies to develop new services for the foreseeable future that realizes “visual service innovations” and “evolution of user experience.” Specifically, the two companies will develop and propose standard models for new visual communication by combining NTT’s expertise in broadband solutions and Panasonic’s capability in providing high-definition visual solutions.