Panasonic to Open New Showroom in Osaka filled with hints for tomorrow’s lifestyles

Panasonic today announced plans to open a new showroom in Osaka that will act as a global communications hub for linking Panasonic and its customers. The company’s two existing showrooms in the city, Panasonic Center Osaka and Panasonic Living Showroom Osaka, will be merged, and the brand new Panasonic Center Osaka will launch next spring in the Umekita area now being developed just to the north of the Osaka central station. The new Panasonic Center Osaka will operate under the concept of co-creation, whereby Panasonic and its customers exchange ideas to think about and create new value for life together. The showroom includes Panasonic’s latest smart home appliances and a living space that embody tomorrow’s lifestyles, which visitors can experience firsthand in a comprehensive manner.

The floors are organized according to the four themes of Living, Beautiful, Delicious and Happy, with Panasonic’s cutting-edge products on hand for visitors to try out. Focused on these themes, seminars filled with hints for tomorrow’s lifestyles as well as workshops by lifestyle producers, food stylists and designers will be held at the Center. Also on display will be Panasonic’s latest housing equipment. The new home to Panasonic Center Osaka, Grand Front Osaka in the Umekita area, is directly connected to the largest transit terminal in western Japan, with about 2.5 million commuters passing through daily

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