Sony today announced the commercialization of the world’s first demodulator LSI conforming to the DVB-C2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Cable 2) digital cable TV broadcast standard, which is the next-generation standard improved from the current DVB-C digital cable TV broadcast standard adopted in Europe and various other countries and regions around the world. DVB-C2 significantly increases data transmission capacity and optimizes use of the transmission channel to enable multichannel and high quality HD broadcasting. DVB-C2 adopts a multi-level modulation which is 16 times as dense as DVB-C and tolerance against reflections and interference caused within a cable network is required.
Sony’s new DVB-C2 demodulator LSI incorporates Sony’s proprietary reception algorithms and error correction technology to achieve stable and highly sensitive reception, while also reducing power consumption and realizing package miniaturization by reducing the number of pins. As the DVB-C2 standard spreads, compatibility with current standards will enable flexible hardware design, while also contributing to miniaturization and a reduction in the number of components. Sony will actively promote this new LSI to manufacturers of TVs, set top boxes and other applicable products targeting Europe and other regions where DVB-C2 is expected to expand.