Toshiba and SGI Japan have developed full HD file-based TV program broadcasting systems and core broadcasting systems, including master control equipment. Until now, TV programs have typically been recorded and edited on video tape, and the various content elements, including video, audio and closed caption, have been compiled, edited and finalized and then uploaded to a playout server, a long, laborious process. Toshiba’s new equipment, incorporating a file-base program broadcasting system, supports faster transfers to the playout server, and secures vast improvements in workflow and efficiency. The system also integrates the tried and tested Omneon Spectrum media server and Omneon MediaGridTM active storage system made by Omneon Inc. and Omneon Video Networks of the US, which are in use in broadcasting systems worldwide.
A terrestrial broadcasting system has already been released and delivered to Japan’s Fuji Television Network, Inc., and systems for BS and CS satellite broadcasting are also scheduled for release in due course.