These days everything is just a click away. Almost everything! Be it buying, selling or even recycling. Just type recycling cell phones in a search machine and watch out for the endless results. A significant surge in the number of websites providing this service has led to this boom on search machines. Since the awareness for recycling mobile phones has seeded amongst consumers, this business of getting rid of cell phones in a responsible manner is benefiting all, including our planet. Apart from doing their bit for environment, consumers are also lured to recycle their cell phones to gain some cash benefit too. Along with the cell phones, it is also essential to recycle the batteries that charge them up. As these batteries are short lived then the cell phones, they play a major role in feeding e-waste heaps. They need to be disposed off with care equally. Currently less than 3% of portable batteries in the UK are recycled. BatteryBack provides a FREE treatment and recovery service for all portable batteries. Even WasteCare takes care of Battery recycling with great responsibility.

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Recycling is really important.An old cell phone can not recover the money you paid to buy it, but it sure brings a substantial part of it.This method of mobile phone recycling is quite popular in developed countries like the UK but I think the awareness need to be build worldwide.