eneloop portable solar-100% clean solar energy as the source of power for mobile devices

Equipped with Sanyo’s patented, highly efficient HIT solar cell, the portable solar device is ready to generate power from the sun anywhere. The eneloop portable solar provides 100% clean solar energy as the source of power for a number of mobile devices. With two types to choose from, eneloop portable solar can meet specific charging needs, offering both a single HIT solar panel type for simple charging needs and a twin HIT solar panel type with higher power generation capacity to provide more power when needed.To capture the energy converted from sunlight, the eneloop portable solar comes with an eneloop mobile booster -KBC-L3A which stores the energy to an internal lithium-ion battery via a USB power port. After approximately one hour of generating solar power under fair-weather conditions, the twin version of the eneloop portable solar -SSL-SBWL3AS can charge a USB-charge enabled cell phone enough to continuously talk for approx. 40 minutes. The single panel version of the eneloop portable solar, the same amount of generating time yields approximately 20 minutes of talk time on the cell phone.

sanyo_solar_cell.jpgBeing compact, it is easy to carry, enabling solar power generation anywhere and anytime. With the provided hook, eneloop portable solar can easily be attached to a window pane. eneloop single portable Solar Set SSL-SBSL3AS and Twin portable set SSL-SBWL3AS will BE AVAILABLE IN Japan from August10.