Enjoy 54 Mbps high-speed packet communication and VoIP from your mobile phones in Japan!

NTT DOCOMO and its eight regional subsidiaries today announced a service that will enable DOCOMO FOMA third-generation handsets to connect to home broadband networks via wireless LAN routers, allowing mobile phone users to enjoy 54 Mbps high-speed packet communication and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), beginning in June. With Home U, Japan’s first consumer service for fixed-mobile convergence, DOCOMO FOMA phones will be able to download large-volume data, such as video, with the speed and convenience of broadband. VoIP calls to other Home U users will be free of charge, and to non-Home U users will be 30 percent cheaper than normal FOMA charges.

Initially, the service will be compatible with the N906iL onefone, a mobile/W-LAN dual handset that will be sold from the same day that the service starts. The monthly charge for Home U will be 1,029 yen ($10). No signup fee will be required.