GLOBUL world’s first operator to sell handsets installed with a DoCoMo-developed application

GLOBUL.jpgNTT DoCoMo has begun providing a mobile solution based on a DoCoMo-developed application to enable mobile devices based on S60 3rd Edition and Symbian OS to use i-mode services like e-mail and web browsing, and also including other advanced services such as i-appli Java-based applications and i-channel news-headline push service. GLOBUL, a leading mobile operator in Bulgaria, has become the world’s first operator to sell handsets installed with the application: the Nokia 6120 classic, the Nokia N73 Music Edition and the Nokia E65. DoCoMo expects other i-mode operators around the world to also offer these i-mode handsets.

S60 software built on Symbian OS is the world’s leading mobile phone software, and is developed by Nokia and licensed by some of the industry’s foremost mobile device manufacturers.