KDDI, Japan announced eight new handsets designed to create new lifestyles and blend in with customers’ daily life. In total, the new line-up comprises thirteen models, including four under the already-announced “iida” brand, plus the E06SH for commercial users. The Toshiba “biblio” is an optimal model for reading, with a 7 GB data folder enabling users to carry a shelf-full of books around, and a 3.5-inch Full Wide VGA++ [1] screen supporting touch operation.
The “Sportio water beat” is a compact, waterproof model for the sports scene. The “Mobile Hi-Vision CAM Wooo” is Japan’s first mobile phone with full Hi-Vision shooting capability, while the Sharp SOLAR PHONE SH002 is the world’s first waterproof model with a solar panel, enabling solar-powered battery charging.
Customers can choose from a diverse line-up: The T002 is a waterproof model with a full range of features plus Global Passport support, enabling it to be used overseas as well. The waterproof, impact-resistant G’zOne CA002 is the latest model in the G’zOne series of durable handsets. The K002 is a stylish, slim model supporting mobile TV; it has a 2-megapixel camera and 3.0-inch IPS screen in a body just 10.9 mm thick. The Simple Keitai K003 offers a sophisticated design, while making all kinds of features and operations easy to use.