Nvidia today announced the world’s fastest mobile processor Nvidia Tegra 4. The mobile processor Nvidia Tegra 4 with record-setting performance and battery life ,flawlessly powers smartphones and tablets, gaming devices, auto infotainment and navigation systems, and PCs. Previously codenamed Wayne, Tegra 4 features 72 custom Nvidia GeForce GPU cores — or six times the GPU horsepower of Tegra 3 — which deliver more realistic gaming experiences and higher resolution displays. It includes the first quad-core application of ARM’s most advanced CPU core, the Cortex-A15, which delivers 2.6x faster web browsing and breakthrough performance for apps.
Tegra 4 also enables worldwide 4G LTE voice and data support through an optional chipset, the fifth-generation Nvidia Icera i500 processor. More efficient and 40 percent the size of conventional modems, i500 delivers four times the processing capability of its predecessor. Among the Tegra 4 processor’s breakthroughs is its Computational Photography Architecture, which automatically delivers high dynamic range (HDR) photos and video by fusing together the processing power of the GPU, CPU and the camera’s image-signal processor.
Its HDR capability captures images, including those taken with a flash, the way they are seen by the human eye — with detail in both bright Tegra 4 consumes up to 45 percent less power than its predecessor, Tegra 3, in common use cases. And it enables up to 14 hours of HD video playback on phones.