Toshiba today announced the launch of a near-infrared 2.1 megapixel (MP) BSI CMOS image sensor –T4KE1 that supports iris recognition on mobile devices. T4KE1 is a 2.1 MP 1.12um BSI CMOS image sensor with a 1/7.3 inch optical format and 60fps at 1080p image output. The new sensor captures images for recognition with higher sensitivity than conventional CMOS image sensors, as it discards the usual color filter in the pixel structure, increasing sensitivity in the near infrared spectrum. A serial interface, widely used in mobile devices, ensures easy integration.
In recent years, mobile devices—smart phones, tablets and PCs—have adopted user authentication systems to protect access and information security. Password entry remains the most common, but finger print recognition is also in wide use. Iris recognition is expected to deliver a better, more secure solution, because it offers high level protection without the risk associated with loss or misuse of passwords. Toshiba is meeting this growing market requirement with the introduction of its near-infrared CMOS image sensor for iris recognition. Sample shipments start today.