Turret type filter for iPhone 4 can be used for ten different effects

The Epawa Turret type filter HOLGA SLFT-IP4 from japan for iPhone4S and iPhone 4 can be used for ten pleasing filter effects. The external HOLGA SLFT-IP4 filter will be available in Japan from January 10, 2012 for approximately 3150 yen ($40). The filter will be available in four colors- Metallic Blue, Metallic Red, White and Black.

Few of the effects available are- multi, multi-surface 3, multi-plane 2, Soft Surround filters (blue), soft surround filters (yellow) color filters (green), color filter (pink), heart-shaped filter (red),macro mode and tunnel mode.The Epawa Turret type filter HOLGA SLFT-IP4 from japan for iPhone4S and iPhone 4 can be used as a protective cover for your iPhone also.