KOSS Clef portable earphone with LED flashlight

teac2.jpgThe KOSS Clef is a unique portable earphone with retractable cord that includes a key chain and LED flashlight for maximum portability for on-the-go listening. Along with your home and car keys you can now carry the Sound of KOSS. The Clef earphone is ultra-lightweight and features an electro/dynamic element for an extended frequency response of 40-20,000 Hz. The retractable cord mechanism allows the user to adjust the cord to a customized length. With the touch of a button, the LED flashlight provides a stream of light in dark environments.

The included battery CR2032 lights the LED light. The KOSS Clef weighs 42g and is available from September 15th for approximately 3,200 Yen ($27).
Via TEAC (Japanese)