The plug & play, portable music player is specially designed for use with the new slot Music cards launched by SanDisk in the United States today. The Sansa slotMusic Player is made to play slotMusic card albums or a self-loaded microSD card full of music. The effortless player doesn’t require a PC, Internet or any time spent managing music. Consumers simply choose their slotMusic or music-filled microSD card, pop it into the device and will be enjoying their favorite tunes in seconds. The slotMusic is a new format of high-fidelity, DRM-free MP3 music on a microSD card, which gives consumers the ability to easily listen to—and quickly swap—their favorite songs among a mobile phone, personal computer, and any MP3 player with a microSD slot.
The unique, artist-branded slotMusic Player is a stylish, all-in-one package, which includes both the slotMusic card and a trendy player bearing their favorite artist’s name and image. The branded player comes pre-loaded with an album on a 1GB1slotMusic card. Artist-branded slotMusic players will retail for a MSRP of $34.99. The Sansa slotMusic Player is available for approximately $19.99. Both types of slotMusic Players are shipping to U.S. stores today – including Best Buy and Wal-Mart.