Seagrand MP3 player with 168 hours of continuous playback

The portable media player “XR003 X-REX” from Seagrand has continuous play back time of 168 hours (1 week).This is the idle player when you are on a holiday to a remote place. If the player is used for 4 hours per day, there is no need to charge this tiny player for one full month. The Seagrand MP3 player XR003 X-REX is available in 1GB and 2GB capacity in three different colors-red, black and silver. The built in lithium ion battery takes approximately 4 hours for a full charge. Other features include-built in FM radio, Mic,7 type custom equalizer settings, frequency zone 20Hz – 20 kHz, Signal-noise ratio 90dB, SRW WOW and play back speed adjustment between 0.4 – 1.2 times.

Timer recording from FM radio is possible. The player is compatible with OS Windows Me/2000/XP. The Seagrand MP3 player with built in FM radio measures 44.5×65×21.3mm, weighs 66 g and is available approximately for 17,800 ($153) for 1Gb model and 22,800 Yen ($195) for 2GB model.
Via – Seagrand (Japanese)