Servers and computers of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, a major manufacturer of arms for the Japanese Defense Ministry had been infected by viruses that may have enabled unauthorized access. Japan’s largest defense contractor reported the matter to the police and launched in-house investigations. In a statement, Mitsubishi said it has not yet confirmed any data breaches involving its products and technology. Company officials said that 45 servers and 38 computers were found infected with eight types of viruses at 11 facilities in Japan, including its headquarters in Tokyo, shipbuilding yards in Nagasaki and Kobe, and its Nagoya Guidance and Propulsion Systems Works in Aichi Prefecture, which makes missiles and rocket engines.
MHI makes destroyers at the Nagasaki shipyard and submarines and nuclear power generation facilities at the Kobe shipyard. An MHI employee noticed abnormalities with the system in mid-August, leading the company to call in outside experts. It subsequently found its servers and computers were infected with viruses that could prompt information leaks, the officials said.