Color Phasing Light Speakers

speaker.jpgWith over 200 color combinations, these ice-cool-looking Color Phasing Light Speakers are clearly a cut above the rest. Optically enhanced LED light cones ensure that the light display isn’t just dazzling at night, but looks great in daylight too. You can choose from a sound-activated audio beat mode with three distinct lighting patterns, ‘Snake’, ‘Waterfall’ and ‘Random’, that flash and phase to your music, or pick a seductive static color – a lot less funky, but considerably calmer. The two 5W PMPO quality speakers are made from high grade polycarbonate, and look like balls of glass. Each speaker comes with a control knob, one for selecting your color mode as the mood takes you, and one for volume.

Tspeak2.jpgThe speakers are mains powered, pump out excellent sound, are compatible with all MP3 players, and also make an awesomely attractive set of speakers for your computer. The speakers measure 11cm x 10cm x 10cm each and costs approximately $89.98.