Fujitsu today announced the StopLift Self-Checkout Accelerator, a sophisticated new technology designed to help minimize interventions and detect theft at self-checkout lanes using video analytics, StopLift aims to reduce excess theft alerts at self-checkouts, identify unpurchased items leaving the Self-Checkout, and increase cashier productivity. The StopLift Self-Checkout Accelerator provides a second line of defense against theft at self-checkout lanes. Rather than relying solely on weight scales to detect potential theft, the Self-Checkout Accelerator can visually spot these occurrences and alert attendants immediately. It’s a solution to guard against theft, minimize repetitive interventions and enhance the consumer’s overall shopping experience at self-checkouts.
Detection of potential theft has traditionally been performed primarily by weight scales at self-checkout. As a result, some retailers disable the frequent security alerts and thereby expose themselves to additional theft. By utilizing StopLift’s video analytics to verify potential alerts, the Self-Checkout Accelerator can effectively prevent unwarranted interventions. With these innovations, retailers will experience fewer false-positive interventions.