Fujitsu announces e-paper based electronic card holder for check-in process at hospitals

Fujitsu today announced the launch of a new electronic paper-based outpatient guidance solution, commercially available today from Fujitsu, designed to be used during the check-in process at medical facilities such as hospitals and clinics. Through a proprietary wireless communications system, the solution connects electronic card holders utilizing electronic paper with both a patient navigation system, which guides patients to examination rooms or diagnostic testing rooms in medical facilities, and an electronic medical record system. By simply inserting an IC-equipped registration card, the electronic card holder automatically links into the medical facility’s electronic patient navigation system and electronic medical record system, completing the registration process.

Through the electronic card holder, the solution shows outpatients their place in the queue when waiting for their consultation, and will notify them when they are called through visual displays and vibration. As long as they are within signal range, outpatients do not need to stay in the waiting room, allowing them to spend their time waiting however they find most comfortable and least stressful. As well, reducing the number of intake terminals and large information displays enables medical facilities to limit energy use and CO2 emissions. Fujitsu electronic card holders will be available from February 2011.