Hitachi will begin providing walk-through type explosives trace detection system for critical infrastructure facilities such as power plants and data centers from this October. The system detects explosives in 3 seconds by efficiently collecting the fine particles attached on ID cards and analyzing them with built-in devices. The system can screen a maximum of 1,200 individuals per hour without disrupting people flow. Hitachi aims to provide this system to critical infrastructure facilities such as power plants and data centers.
The system enables more sensitive detection by adopting a newly-developed sampling component. A high-speed air flow collects fine explosive particles from an ID card when it is inserted into the authentication unit. The detection of explosive components from a very small sample is achieved by efficiently collected fine particles and concentrating them in a short period of time. Hitachi will help customers and society to solve the issues by providing security systems as part of the basic feature sets of the IoT platform Lumada.