Hotel Hesselet presents conference facilities from Bang & Olufsen

All rooms in Hotel Hesselet are equipped with wireless internet connection and the elegant BeoVision 6 LCD TV from Bang & Olufsen, which integrates superb picture and sound in a compact cabinet that integrates easily into the stylish hotel décor. Hesselet offers several different rooms that can be used for everything from large-scale presentations to working lunches in stylish, peaceful surroundings. All rooms are equipped with a wireless internet connection, and more recently two conference rooms have been fitted with the cinematic 65″ BeoVision 4 plasma TV. The largest conference room has been converted into a complete BeoLiving room with projector, 180″ screen, curtains and light – all controlled via the deceptively simple Beo 4 remote control.

Hotel Hesselet lies on the banks of the Great Belt, and rises nobly above the water with the forest behind it. Ever since the 60s Hesselet has been one of the most distinguished luxury hotels in Denmark. The Sørensen and Karner families acquired the hotel in the autumn of 2003, and a new generation has moved in.