How to Devise a Digital Marketing Plan On a Budget

The United States is home to nearly 31 million small businesses. These companies create so many jobs to people all over and stimulate the economy. 

Having a small business marketing strategy will help your company compete with the big dogs until you eventually become one. You deserve to see your efforts turn into profits, and mastering marketing is a big piece of that puzzle. 

These tips will help you start working on your digital marketing plan even if you don’t have a lot of money to invest in it. 

Start With a Blog
Your small business marketing plan should begin with search engine optimization (SEO). Blogging is one of the best forms of SEO marketing that you can try out, and people love reading them every day. 

Figure out which topics make your brand unique, and put together some pillar content that will play well to potential customers and Google’s algorithms. 

small business SEO blog can teach people about business, finance, and other factors. A fitness-oriented company might blog about workout plans, nutrition, and weight loss. 

Build your blog with a beautiful design, research the best keywords to compete for, and publish posts regularly.

Create a Social Media Posting Schedule
No digital marketing strategy is complete without social media. There are several social media outlets, so figure out which apps your target audience spends the most time on. 

From there, you should create an account and post valuable content that people will want to share and engage with. You can start growing a healthy social media following with next to nothing in the bank. These followers will eventually become customers when you build a strong rapport and further conversations with them. 

Go Live Whenever Possible 
Many people today have YouTube and Instagram personalities that they tune into like clockwork every week. The ability to go live gives you a unique way to interact with people in real-time. 

Have some topics to discuss, and make sure that you’re always keeping things on-brand so that people know what to expect. You need nothing but a smartphone and an internet connection to go live, so this doesn’t have to be a marketing strategy that immediately breaks the bank. 

Respond to the chat so that your followers feel seen, and so that they’re encouraged to tune in and engage with you.

Hire a Pro and Start With What You Can Afford
Consider how much money you have at your disposal to hire a digital marketing agency. Even the free initial consultation can provide you with plenty of value and direction for your marketing strategies as you move forward. 

You might be pleasantly surprised to find that a digital marketing pro has a plan or package that you can afford right now. 

Begin figuring out how to budget for marketing so that you can eventually hire these pros for the long-term. 

Work Your Digital Marketing Plan
Any digital marketing plan can benefit from the words of the advice above. Having a solid plan of action will raise your brand awareness, and will let you increase your traffic, engagement, and conversions over the next several years. 

Check out our other blogs when you’d like to start putting winning marketing strategies to use for your business.