Japan’s hit products of 2013

vacuumDentsu has drummed up a list of the movers and shakers in Japan. The 2013 Hit Products in Japan examines the trends that has taken over Japan in the past 12 months based on an Internet survey of Japanese consumers carried out in November 2013 by Dentsu Macromill.The top 20 products and current events/signs of the times were selected from around 100 popular items and services by 1,000 Internet survey respondents aged between 20 and 69.

2013 was a good year for Japan—in June Mount Fuji was named a UNESCO World Heritage site and in September Tokyo was awarded the honor of hosting the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The following top 20 products and current events/signs of the times were selected from around 100 popular items and services by 1,000 Internet survey respondents aged between 20 and 69.
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