Keep your home office safe from online attacks with this program

If I would have asked you to work remotely or from your house a decade back, what would you have said? Would you have opted for it? Probably not. But if I ask the same question today, you would be more than happy to take that option, right? In light of the recent events going around the globe, with a pandemic that has already infected more than 6 million people worldwide, with no signs of containing the disease, most governments & companies are advising their employees to work from home, maintaining the safety of the people. As we start accepting this sudden change of work-life routine, we are likely to be exposed to a new set of vulnerabilities. 

We’ve not only moved from our office environment, in the safety of our homes, we have also made ourselves the prey of hackers, trying to get to our personal or client data. With the majority of the world working from home, cyber hackers are looking to exploit vulnerabilities in an attempt to steal valuable information. Imagine, you receive an email with a link to funny cat videos, but as soon as you click on the link, you expose your client’s data to hackers to extort you. You see, there are people out there who want to grab your password, steal your data and your company’s data, and infect your computer with ransomware while they’re at it. In order to safeguard your data, so can you work in peace, Bitdefender offers next-gen digital security designed for your small business, with much scalability and ease of setup. The great thing about this security tool is it’s light on system resources so productivity is not affected by system slowdowns. 

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Coronavirus has changed how we interact all over the world. Conference meetings have moved to video calls, and coffee time gossips have majorly changed to meme sharing on Instagram. Cybercriminals are seeking to exploit coronavirus to target companies and individuals. Amidst all this, major change the larger part of the world underwent was working from home, mainly without the office ‘big daddy’ looking over our shoulder to safeguard us from all internet vulnerabilities. Bitdefender Small Office Security is the internet ‘big daddy’ you’d require to enable you to work in peace & safety in the comfort of your homes, away from the exposure of coronavirus & hackers.

You’d think you won’t be needing a security tool, but trust me, things go wrong when we least expect them. Getting the BitDefender Small Office Security means one less thing to worry about when we already have so much stress due to very blurry lines between work-life balance. While you are trying to make the best of both worlds, this program gives you iron clad home office security. The installation will take less time than what you used to spend at the coffee machine, deciding to get a latte or espresso to get through the day. Bitdefender Small Office Security offers unbeatable, class-leading threat detection to neutralize any threats coming your way. While you surf on social media, looking at your friends’ vacation pictures or shopping for heels that you don’t probably need, Bitdefender’s Multi-layer ransomware protection is keeping you safe from phishing attacks to keep sensitive data safe. Bitdefender offers this protection not only for your PC but also has a mobile app to keep your phone safe as well. 

In order to safeguard your data, so you can work in ease, Bitdefender offers next-gen digital security designed for your small business, with much scalability and ease of setup. 

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