Kodak Introduces new generation of color motion picture films

Kodak recently unveiled the first product in a new generation of color motion picture films, continuing the company’s dedication to film technology and setting a higher standard for image quality. KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film, available now in 35mm and 16mm formats, represents a new emulsion platform, incorporating technical breakthroughs that deliver greater efficiencies and expand creative options for filmmakers.
KODAK VISION3 Film offers increased exposure latitude and color detail with noticeably reduced grain, especially in the brightest highlights and darkest shadows. It incorporates proprietary Advanced Dye-Layering Technology (DLT), which renders finer grain images in underexposed areas and produces cleaner film-to-digital transfers for postproduction. This new product also takes advantage of innovative film technology that allows the emulsion to process light more effectively and record greater detail in the highlights. This image structure translates into time saved on the set and in postproduction.

Kodak scientists designed the new emulsion to retain the imaging characteristics of the KODAK VISION2 500T Color Negative Film 5218/7218 in the normal exposures, while providing new creative options for working in extreme lighting situations. Thus, the VISION3 stock intercuts seamlessly with all seven-color negatives in the KODAK VISION2 family, which was initially introduced in 2002.